Blog Posts with Tag NuGet

Publishing a NuGet Package Through GitHub Actions

I've been working with Roslyn Source Generators and have gotten to the pointer where there are a few I would like to use for other projects. In order to share the code between these projects, I've decided to create a NuGet package. While I've used NuGet for years and occasionally have had to create a NuGet package here and there for work, I've never actually published one to the official public NuGet repository before. NuGet NuGet is the package system for .NET. It has been…

August 20, 2022
approximately 5 minutes to read
NuGet Certificate Issues in Docker Builds

I was playing around with a Covid-19 visualization application trying to publish a container to Dockerhub this morning. The application is built in .NET 5 and React. The image builds ended up failing with some certificate issues. Certificate issues are not fun in Docker. Thankfully, there are a few open issues on GitHub describing the problem and some potential resolutions for it.…

January 30, 2021
approximately 1 minutes to read
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