Blog Posts with Tag Gatsby

Building a Gatsby Plugin to Render Mermaid Diagrams

A while ago, I decided to start using Gatsby to build my personal website (this site). I had been using the static site generator Hugo for a while, but the developer tooling wasn't that great. As I had been working on React pretty exclusively at work, I figured using React would be a better front end as the developer tooling is much better. After all React is often rated as one of the top view engines for the web right now. What is Gatsby? Gatsby is a static site generator…

February 12, 2022
approximately 5 minutes to read
Honlsoft Homepage Rewrite

Over the past year or so, I've been trying to write more technical blogs on this webpage. Mainly, I'm trying to improve my communication skills and document some of the various side projects I've been working on in my free time. I used a static site generator named Hugo to build this site. It worked fine, but it just wasn't as productive as an environment as I hoped. It didn't have as good of IDE support. I ended up manually crafting templates in a code editor without proper…

July 03, 2020
approximately 3 minutes to read
© 2024 - Built and designed by Jeremy Honl with Gatsby. Images are from Unsplash