Blog Posts with Tag C#

New Periodic Timer API in .NET 6

The GA of .NET 6 is right around the corner, I've posted some articles in the past about upcoming changes I'm looking forward to. While there are a lot of major improvements that get a lot of attention, many of the smaller improvements get pushed to the wayside. One small change that I really like is the new PeriodicTimer class. Previously Timers in .NET revolved around a callback interface. System.Timers.Timer had a event which an event handler could be added that would be…

October 27, 2021
approximately 2 minutes to read
Building APIs: Generating API Clients with OpenAPI Generator

APIs are everywhere! APIs are one of the basic building blocks of modern software architectures. With the proliferation of HTTP based APIs, facilitating API consumption with minimal effort becomes crucial. The bridge between programming languages and APIs is to use a programmatic API specification that defines the contracts of the API. From there, utilizing tools to read that specification to generate an API client. When utilizing a single language, it's sometimes possible to…

August 30, 2021
approximately 5 minutes to read
Minimal APIs in .NET Core 6

One thing I've been jealous of scripting languages over the years is how easily they can be used to build out small and simple applications. For example, Node.js has the express library whereby a complete API can be built out in a single file. While more complex projects necessitate more framework than that, the required scaffolding for a simple program is fairly low. In languages such as C#, prior to .NET 6, to build out a simple API requires some degree of pomp and…

June 11, 2021
approximately 3 minutes to read
New Namespace Features in C# 10

With .NET 6 arriving this fall, there are a wealth of new features being introduced that I'm really excited about. With most new .NET versions come new features added to the C# language. As part of this article, I'm going to pick out a few of my favorites being introduced in C# 10 related to namespaces that I'll use often. Keep in mind, .NET 6 is still in preview, so it's always possible they could get cut or changed in the final release. However, I've seen them demoed by…

June 06, 2021
approximately 2 minutes to read
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