Fitness Goals

Over 2023 and 2024 I decided to try get more in shape before I hit a milestone birthday. In order to accomplish this, I've been setting obtainable goals for my fitness journey. I find if I just focus on losing weight, I eventually get discouraged when my progress slows. Having smaller fitness goals gives me something to work towards other than just my weight, and helps me get in shape.


  • Perform a single pull up.
  • Get across the monkey bars in the gym.
  • Run a mile without stopping.
  • Run two miles without stopping.
  • Run three miles without stopping.
  • Run a mile in under 10 minutes.
  • Weigh under 200 lbs.
  • Run a 5k.
  • Run a 10k.
  • Run 2 miles in under 20 minutes.

Current Goals

  • Perform 5 consecutive pull ups.
  • Perform 20 consecutive push ups.
  • Weigh under 190 lbs.


In June of 2024, I decided to start running to help aid my fitness goals. This is tracking my mileage week by week.

© 2024 - Built and designed by Jeremy Honl with Gatsby. Images are from Unsplash